OK, grand kid soccer is a lot of fun . . . something grandparents sort of have to drag themselves to . . .
but not to be missed! This past year was our Grandson Brenden and Granddaughter Trinity's first year playing on "big-kid" teams. It tore my heart out to have Trinity so far away (California), where we couldn't see her play, but she is so precious in the pictures. She's such an intense little girl, you can just
feel the concentration in her posture.
Well, the funniest thing was little Brenden inviting us to see his award ceremony, he said " and yeah, and they are even going to give me a piece of metal to wear around my neck!" Of course he meant a Medal, we are all still laughing about that one!
Brenden . . .
Brenden and his "piece of metal".
Trinity . . .
Trinity and friends . . .
Hayden . . .
Grandpa, Gus and Brenden at Hayden's game.