The best thing about our marriage is how much we truly appreciate each other . . . It's been almost a year now, and here we are still so goofy happy we have to laugh at ourselves. We try to take a few days to ourselves once a month or so. Nothing fancy (who can afford that right now?), but at least a road trip where we can get away from the everyday pressures. (who knew that the 20 somethings would cause you more stress than the teens! LOL)
So, this past weekend we drove up to Spokane to take Ryan to his dads and deliver a pick-up to our good friend Ken. Along the way we got a flat . . . at 70 miles an hour . . . towing a car trailer with a truck on it. My great husband just said "uh-oh", and calmly pulled over to the side of the highway, then proceeded to hop out, with semi's roaring by, and changed the tire.
We were back on the road in 15 minutes! Ryan and I were laughing our butts off, remembering the last time we had a flat in our little Scion; he and Mandy had the instruction book out trying to figure out what to do first LOL! Having a man like Mark for a husband is pretty darn cool!