Gus and Ryan each got a cooking lesson and Gus can now make Spinach Manicotti (Grandma Bonnie's recipe) and Ryan executed a perfect Corned Beef and Cabbage (he is already quite a good cook - definitely got that from me and John).
I took all three of the kids for a driving lesson . . . it's amazing how many times you can envision your own death in an empty parking lot . . . and now they want to go again, lol. They like to practice parking and backing up, mainly because none of them can drive straight forward. We were practicing in the school parking lot (no cars due to Spring Break) and were driving all the way around the school; as we came back around to the front while Gus was driving, we discovered that the Tennis team and parents had all shown up for practice (lots of cars and kids), and I heard this tiny voice from Gus say "I'm Scared . . ." lol, they will soon be grown and driving out of here. The kids just wanted to hang out around the house relaxing so not too many picture op's but I'm sure this weekend's Prom will take care of that!
Here's Hannah & Ryan at the airport, Ryan is now taller than me . . .