Our kids walking off into their future . . .
Well, our babies are growing up, heck they're hardly kids anymore, more like young adults every day. It is so much fun to watch them in this final stage of their childhood.
We feel really lucky to be here in this time of their lives, babyhood was special and they were such fun as children; but this final stage where they're figuring out who they are, asking important questions, and gearing up to make choices that will affect their lives . . . this is really cool.
We took them on their first trip to look at colleges this week, and watched them grow up another whole step right before our eyes. They were a little confused and overwhelmed at the first college, getting it figured out by the second one, and pushed their way to the front of a large group during the third tour . . . lol, they're gonna' make it just fine.
Our tentative plan is to look at Idaho colleges this month, Oregon Colleges next month and then maybe California colleges in August.
Here are some pictures from this first trip . . .
On tour with an English Professor.