Mark and Gus (in work uniform)
Well, I spent quite a bit of time driving Gus to pick up and drop off job applications this winter. I thought it was rather futile as he isn't even 16 until July, but he was persistent. He got over the initial fears, learned his social security number, found his birth certificate and practiced writing legibly. I was getting a little worried that he would get discouraged as jobs are few this year - even McDonald's was staffed almost entirely by adults. But then we hit on Roaring Springs! He made it through the cattle call, the interview, the call back, orientation, training, and on to the first day of work at his first job. Mark and I are very proud of him, he has to get up at 6 am to be there on time and we haven't had to wake him up once. He's a very conscientious hard worker just like his dad.
These are some shots of him heading off for his first day on the job . . .